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Dry Needling at Pulse
Dry Needling is drawn from Western Medicine principles and scientific, research-based conclusions. The technique of Dry Needling has no historical ties to acupuncture, which is based in Eastern tradition. However, both of them use the same tool.
Because acupuncture needles are very fine and solid, they don't hurt as they pass through the skin like a hollow injection needle does. The sensations people report are "deep aching," "pressure," "releasing," "blood flow," or "soreness." The needle is left in for a very short period of time, just long enough to relax the muscle. The procedure is repeated in different areas until the muscle returns to its normal, relaxed state.
When a needle tip hits a trigger point*, a characteristic, involuntary "local twitch" in the muscle is observed. It has been suggested that the elicitation of local twitch responses is the most important aspect in obtaining a successful therapeutic outcome for trigger point deactivation.
The Physiotherapists at Pulse Physio are highly training to provide a good and reliable service.
• Gives you lasting pain relief from head to toe
• Eliminates tension
• Heals overuse injuries
• Gets rid of knots in muscles
• Helps muscles heal after injury
• Releases tight muscles
• Speeds healing time
• Improves blood flow at a deep level
• Stimulates a muscle to work better
• Prevents injuries in the first place
• Gets people back exercising ASAP
• Heals chronic injuries of muscles, tendons and joints
*Definition of Trigger Point: A trigger point is simply a small contraction knot in muscle. This knot feels like a pea buried deep in the muscle, and can feel as big as a thumb. It maintains a hard contraction on the muscle fibres connected to it, thus causing a tight band that can also be felt in the muscle.
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