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Hand Pain

Hand Pain can be caused by various disorders such as arthrosis , trauma, infection , tendonitis , inflammation of the nerves, etc. Those disorders can affect in daily life activities.

Pain in the back of the hand

Wrist cysts

The cysts on the back of the hand are soft, fluid formations that develop on the back of the hand for no apparent reason.

They are also called synovial cyst and constitute the most common non-cancerous mass of the soft tissues of the hand and wrist. Usually affects the right hand, but if the patient is left-handed this formation can be observed on the left. People who play (for example the guitar) easily develop these formations.

Symptoms include:

  • Pain in the wrist that is aggravated by repeated use, for example, when writing;

  • A slow and localized growth with swelling, mild pain and numbness in the wrist;

  • An apparent smooth protuberance, firm, rounded and flat.

Symptoms of the wrist cyst may resemble other conditions or diseases. Always consult your doctor for proper diagnosis. Initially, when the cyst is small and painless, no therapy is required. Only when it begins to grow and interfere with the function of the hand is it recommended to treat the wrist.

The cures recommended by physicians for wrist cysts consist of:

  • Home

  • Immobilization in an orthosis

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory remedies

  • Aspiration

  • Cortisone injections

  • Surgery to remove the cyst, though in most cases it does reform within a few months.

Inflammation of the tendons of the hand

The two major tendon diseases are tendonitis and tenosynovitis.

Tendonitis is the acute inflammation of a tendon (resistant strands of fibrous tissue that attach muscles to bones) and can affect any tendon, but it most often occurs on the wrist and fingers. When the tendons become irritated, there is pain, swelling and stiffness .

Tenosynovitis is the inflammation of the tendon sheaths surrounding the tendons. Normally, only the sheath becomes inflamed, but also the tendon can become inflamed simultaneously. The cause of tenosynovitis is often unknown, but it is usually caused by tears, excessive use, injuries or very difficult exercises.

Tendonitis can also be linked to a disease (for example, diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis ).

Tendon disorders include:

1. De Quervain 's Tenosynovitis is the most common type of tenosynovitis characterized by inflammation of the sheath of the tendons of the thumb that causes pain and inflammation.

2. The trigger finger is a tenosynovitis in which the tendon sheath becomes inflamed and thickened, thus preventing flexion or extension of the thumb and the other fingers. The finger may suddenly block or stretch .

3. Tendonitis of the extensor or ulnar flexor of the carpus is a disease characterized by inflammation of the tendons, which are inserted between the wrist and the hand and allow the movements of extension and flexion of the hand.

Tendonitis causes pain with movement, pressing and lengthening the affected tendon, can also cause swelling and limitation of movement.

The pain may spread along the forearm to the elbow .

The treatment of hand tendonitis includes rest, ice, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, instrumental physiotherapy such as laser treatment and ultrasound .

Extensor tendon injuries

The extensor tendons are just under the skin on the back of the hand and fingers. Due to its location, it can easily be injured even with a small cut. A stretch can cause a rupture in the tendons where they attach to the bone.

With this type of injury, you may have difficulty straightening one or more joints. The treatment necessary to recover the use of the tendon is the splint, but in severe cases serves the surgical suture.

Arteriosis of the metatarsal-phalangeal joints (joints) The joints of the hand at the base of each finger are known as metacarpal-phalangeal joints. They are key to grasping objects, such as a precision tweezers .

The most common pathology affecting the metacarpal phalangeal joints is rheumatoid arthritis , while gout , psoriasis, and infections are less common.

Pain in the palm of the hand

Flexor tendon injuries

The deep cuts on the palmar side of the wrist, hand and fingers can damage the flexor tendons and possibly the nerves and blood vessels.

When a flexor tendon is completely broken from the finger, the finger remains straight because the muscle is unable to transmit the force to the tendon to bend.

Symptoms include pain, swelling , stiffness and loss of function. The treatment consists of resting on a rigid splint, but in the most severe cases surgery for tendon suture is necessary.

What is Dupuytren's syndrome?

Dupuytren's disease is a thickening of the fibrous tissue called fascia that lies beneath the skin of the palm. It's a hereditary disorder.

They form small lumps or fibrous bands that can pull the fingers in the palm of the hand. Dupuytren's disease may be associated with smoking, vascular disease, epilepsy, and diabetes. Small lumps or lumps in the palm need not be removed unless they become very large or interfere with the functioning of the hand.

Surgical treatment may be recommended if there is a progressive curvature of the fingers of the hand.

The bands of fibrous tissue may reappear or may occur on other fingers.

The pain at the base of the thumb

Hand Scaphoid Fracture

The fracture of the scaphoid bone occurs most frequently during a fall on an extended hand. In general you feel a severe pain in the beginning, but may decrease after a few days or weeks. Bruising or bruising due to scaphoid fracture is rare and swelling may be minimal. Because there is no deformity, many people with this injury think they have a wrist twist, this causes a delay in diagnosis.

It is common for people with a fractured scaphoid to see only a few months or years later.

Arrose of the base of the thumb

Osteoarthritis is very common at the base of the thumb, in this case it is called rhizoarthrosis. The pain located in this area is the main symptom and is felt especially in the morning upon waking up or making an effort.

Among the natural remedies there is paraffin therapy to reduce pain and swelling.

Thumb sprain

These types of injuries are common in sports and during a fall. The thumb fits into another player on the ground or against the ball. The thumb can be folded in an extreme position due to a sprain. In this case, the finger swells and may have some bruising.

It is usually very painful during movement and it hurts a lot when you write. A sprain consists of elongation of a ligament. Ligaments are connective tissues that connect one bone to another in a joint.

The ligament most frequently injured at the level of the thumb is the ulnar collateral ligament.

Pain in the nerves of the arm with tingling and weakness

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a disease in which the median nerve is compressed into the carpal tunnel at the wrist level. This is a narrow canal surrounded by bones and tendons . Pregnant women often suffer from this disorder.

Since the median nerve provides sensory and motor information to the thumb, forefinger and middle, it can cause many symptoms.

The following symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome are the most frequent. However, each individual may experience different symptoms.

Symptoms include:

  • Difficulty when you clench your fist

  • Difficulty picking up easily falling objects

  • Pain in the fingers or numbness on the inner side of the hand

  • Tingling in the fingers at night, especially the thumb, forefinger and middle

  • Feeling of swelling in the fingers.

The symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome may resemble other diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis or tendinitis, so you always have to consult your doctor for a diagnosis. The therapy recommended by doctors consists of:

  • The immobilization of the hand (to prevent the movement of the wrist and decrease the compression of the nerves inside the tunnel)

  • Infiltration of anti-inflammatory drugs in the space of the carpal tunnel to reduce swelling.

  • Surgery to relieve compression on the nerves in the carpal tunnel.

  • To change the posture of the keyboard and mouse of the computer, we recommend a mouse pad with the gel cuff .

Ulnar tunnel syndrome or ulnar nerve compression

The ulnar tunnel syndrome is similar to carpal tunnel syndrome because even this disorder is due to pressure on a nerve, but in this case it is the ulnar nerve. This nerve is attached at the elbow between the humerus and ulna.

The sitomas are: numbness or tingling in the little and ring finger, constant pain, weakness when picking up any object. The pain increases with elbow flexion.

The therapy recommended by doctors consists of resting the elbow, the infiltration of cortisone and if these are not enough, after a few months you may consider surgery to release the nerve.

Cervicobrachial neuralgia

The term " cervicobrachial neuralgia " indicates pain along the territory crossed by nerves that originate in the cervical spine and arrive at the fingers.

The symptoms are pain, tingling, loss of strength and sensitivity from the neck to the fingers of the hand.

The treatment consists of anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy with the mckenzie method and in rare cases the surgery.

The nerve injury

Nerves can be damaged by pressure, stretching or in the event of a cut. The pressure can break or stretch the fibers that carry information and block nerve activity without damaging the insulating sheath ( myelin ). The injury to a nerve can interrupt the transmission of signals that go to the brain, so that the muscles are no longer able to work and you also lose the sensitivity in the area innervated by this nerve.

Generalized pain that can be on the palm of the hand


Arthritis is inflammation of the joint and can occur in most areas of the hand and wrist. Pain associated with arthritis can come from several sources, including inflammation of the following structures:

  • Synovial membrane (joint lining) releases a clear, sticky liquid that acts as a lubricant to the joints and tendons.

  • Tendons, strong strands of fibrous tissue that attach muscles to bones.

  • The ligaments, rigid bands of fibrous tissue that are located around the joints and hold together the bones.

Hand Arthritis

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease, it is the most common type of inflammation of the joints in the elderly. It is a disease with slow progression that mainly affects the hands and large joints on which the weight of the body rests, such as the knee , hip and lumbar vertebrae. Arthritis on the hand can be inherited or caused by an injury, excessive use, surgery and others.

Heberden nodes are abnormal growths of bone or cartilage, about the size of a pea or less, can be found in the joints of the fingers of the hand.

The symptoms are pain, swollen hands and stiffness, especially in the morning. The cold and humid climate worsens the symptoms.

Hand Infections

The hand is susceptible to cuts and wounds as it is the first part that comes into contact with the ground during a fall and because it works with handling instruments, even those sharp ones that can cause injury to the skin. A rash can be infected causing mild symptoms, but if the infection spreads may need surgery. If noticed early, many types of infection can be treated with antibiotics and resting. Other times surgery is needed if antibiotic therapy is negative or if the infection is quite severe and extensive.

Biting the hand that causes injuries

Dog bites are extremely frequent and dangerous because they can cause pain and other problems such as infection.

Dogs have a lot of bacteria in saliva, some of which are harmful to humans, but not to the animal.

Early recognition of warning signs and appropriate therapy are essential to minimize possible complications of biting.

Hand fractures

Some fractures cause an obvious deformity, like a crooked finger, but not all. Usually, medical evaluation and radiography are necessary to understand if there is a fracture and to assist in determining treatment.

Depending on the type of fracture the surgeon can apply the plaster or recommend surgery. The hand with the plaster can be a lot of pain and tingling when the orthopedist tightens the plaster a lot.

Fracture of the wrist

The bone that breaks most often is the radio . The fracture of the wrist causes intense pain, edema and difficulty in the use of the hand. The cause of the wrist fracture is usually a fall on the hand.

The pulse can be deformed in case of fracture. If the broken bone is small, it does not appear deformed, for example the scaphoid, but if you fracture the radius or ulna you can see the deformation.

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